Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education (MSTE)

MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

In this informal talk, Morten Lundsgaard and Avigail Snir will talk about their collaboration with University of Montana professor Lisa Blank on incorporating Etoys as a modeling tool in a science methods class for K-8 pre-service teachers

"Is Algebra Necessary?", the title of a piece by Andrew Hacker (an Emeritus Professor at Queens University) in a recent issue of the Sunday New York Times is the topic this Friday. It came to my attention because Hacker briefly quotes me in the piece. Hacker argues that the algebra requirement for all high school students is misguided. Hacker's view is hardly new, but it raised quite a bit of traffic in the blogosphere.

A brief overview of the Next Generation Science Standards will be presented with possible implications for teaching and learning highlighted. We hope this introduction will spark a rich conversation about where science teaching at the K-12 level is headed.

Our very own MSTE Director, George Reese will be our MSTE Friday Lunch presenter.  He will discuss math classroom observations and a search for perspectives on a new tool.

Peter Braunfield of MSTE gives an exciting MSTE Friday Lunch presentation about Mathematical Modeling.

Samantha Lindgren will be talking with us about the virtues of Integrated Secondary Science and her current NSF proposal to increase students' exposure to engineering practices.

Most people know that engineers make things, and "making things" is one of the most inherently creative tasks imaginable. Yet often, those with enhanced logical abilities are told to pursue STEM and those with enhanced creative abilities are told to pursue arts. We will explore the value of presenting STEM disciplines as "inherently creative vehicles for social good' in order to broaden the appeal of STEM disciplines and encourage diversity.

In the past decade, the classroom has moved rapidly from the traditional pen, paper, and chalkboard classroom towards the digital classroom. Communicating, collaborating and sharing knowledge between students and their teachers via email, forums, chat, blogs, and even text messaging is commonplace now. But how much of these technology are accessible to users with disabilities? Can they access the Internet and electronic information? Can they participate effectively in an online chat and or discussion?

From the Speakers: Join us to hear about how a small team was able to create a mechanism to connect nonprofits with people in the community interested in volunteering... and what you might want to consider if you want to make something happen that you really believe in. Hear from Indi Go Art Co-Op how they've used the site to recruit volunteers for their mission of providing a space in which artists, musicians, and appreciators of art can come together to celebrate the arts.

Delta is a biannual international mathematics education conference. George and Debra will discuss some of the presentations there, as well report on the presentation they gave at the conference.


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