Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education (MSTE)

MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

This presentation will provide an overview of the NSF-funded research on integrated K-8 computer science (CS) instruction for academically diverse learners, including those with disabilities.

The 5th annual Community & Campus Day of Service (CCDOS) is coming up on April 8, 2017. Over 1,000 volunteers participate in this community-wide event each year, logging thousands of hours of volunteering time on this day alone.

The stored solar thermal energy research group in the College of Engineering and at the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) has developed a portable cookstove that stores solar energy. This stove was designed for the energy impoverished areas across the globe, and as a solution to the Global Cooking Problem. Cooking results and lessons learned from our initial test sites in the Navajo Nation, Les Cayes, Haiti, and in kitchens across Champaign-Urbana will be discussed.

The 4th annual Community & Campus Day of Service (CCDOS) will kick off National Volunteer Week once again on April 9, 2016. Over 1,000 volunteers participate in this community-wide event each year, logging thousands of hours of volunteering time on this day alone.

MinecraftEdu is a special version of Minecraft designed for classroom use. Learn how to install MinecraftEdu server software and use downloadable lesson resources. No Minecraft experience necessary!

Peter Braunfeld will be leading a discussion about Common Core. The Common Core Mission Statement asserts that "the standards are designed to be robust, and relevant to the real world." But a sampling of the Common Core test items utterly fails to support this thesis. This seminar is designed to help attendees understand the abyss between pious hopes and dismal reality.

In response to the launching of Sputnik almost 60 years ago, the US has struggled to reform school mathematics. We've spent large sums of money on new curricula, teacher training and technology. What seems to be working, and what remains to be done?

The 3rd annual Community & Campus Day of Service (CCDOS) will kick off National Volunteer Week once again on April 11, 2015. Hundreds of volunteers participate in this community-wide event each year, logging thousands of hours of volunteering time on this day alone.

Educators are always talking about "what mathematicians really do." Fact is, they do lots of very different things, most of which require technical vocabulary and a lot of mathematical background

Around 1890, Georg Cantor invents a theory of infinite sets and shocks the mathematical world. Luckily, this theory is not only genuinely elegant, but doesn't require much background. So, it's a wonderful example for both high school teachers and students to show at least what some mathematicians do or have done.

This week the group will learn about power and energy curriculum designed by TCIPG Education. The print materials and interactive activities teach about power and energy in the home and the system that produces and delivers electricity. Interactive activities illustrate challenges, trade-offs and decisions that will come with the modernization of the electric grid.


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