
MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

 Innovation is critical to the advancement of our communities, state and society.  Yet, relatively little is done to encourage innovation among our youth.  We will talk about our “Celebrating High School Innovators” project. The project will identify, describe, and celebrate 100 of the most innovative high school students in the state of Illinois. Our long-term goal is to change how the University of Illinois and Illinois High Schools understand and encourage innovative students.

This week we will have Lauren Smith from Champaign Unit 4 Schools presenting. Her talk is titled "Making A Difference ' One Student at a Time" and it will cover the One to One mentoring program. 

This talk investigates students' work on a problem where they developed their understandings of rates of change through group work on a problem.  Anna will show examples of classroom conversations that display students' transitions towards a deeper understanding of rates of change.

Join us for our MSTE Friday Lunch with presenter, Bruce Litchfield as he presents “Enhancing Creativity: Assisting students whether you have  15 minutes or 15 weeks”.

Tap In Leadership Academy is a 501 c3 nonprofit academic enrichment program.  Their vision is to educate, equip and empower scholars to become future leaders.

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