
MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

NetMath is a successful online computer-based mathematics program based on the Calculus & Mathematica (C&M) project created by mathematicians Jerry Uhl, Horacio Porta, and Bill Davis. The C&M courseware was born out of the early calculus reform movement, which coincidently coincided with the launch of the powerful computer algebra system, Mathematica. This talk will discuss the authors’ thoughts on teaching calculus, and how NetMath has partnered with MSTE over the past 25 years.

Can AP Statistics be taught, learned, and mastered without doing an ounce of what traditionally is called homework? The answer is a resounding yes!

Amar Patel worked at the MSTE Office while he was a student at the University. He is now a mathematics teacher at James B. Conant High School.

Peter Braunfeld will be leading a discussion about Common Core. The Common Core Mission Statement asserts that "the standards are designed to be robust, and relevant to the real world." But a sampling of the Common Core test items utterly fails to support this thesis. This seminar is designed to help attendees understand the abyss between pious hopes and dismal reality.

The majority of students who arrive at community colleges place into developmental (remedial) mathematics classes. The history of struggle in mathematics brings a special challenge to the college instructor. In this talk I will share aspects of my approach as an instructor and in particular how it is different from traditional mathematics lectures.

Open discussion with the MSTE Friday Lunch Group.  Bring your ideas!

Pam Riss will talk about her experiences using TI-Robots in her classroom.

Rita Davis will share her experiences teaching Math/Robotics sessions at the Uni Summer Camp. This camp serves 4th - 6th graders from our local community and actively recruits children underrepresented at Uni and in STEM fields.

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