
MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

The Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab is a small-scale workshop for computer-based innovation, design and fabrication. The Fab Lab allows you to dream up, design and make almost anything you can imagine using open source software and DIY equipment.   (

Learn about the Fab Lab's local and statewide outreach projects to promote youth engagement, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Kenwood Elementary in Champaign Unit 4 embraced the mission of technology and literacy for the community less than 18 months ago.   With strong partnerships, and a dedicated staff, they are re-envisioning educational experiences for students and families.  Explore how educators are engaging students, teachers, and the community using, computational thinking lesson planning, unplugged activities, the collaborative framework, Etoys & Scratch, and Community Tech Time.

Kerris Lee is a local entrepreneur who has been active in the Ctrl-Shift University-Community Collaboration. For the past year, he has served on the Champaign Unit 4 School Board. Kerris will share his experience navigating policy mandates, innovation in schools, collaborations, partnerships and community input challenges. 

 Innovation is critical to the advancement of our communities, state and society.  Yet, relatively little is done to encourage innovation among our youth.  We will talk about our “Celebrating High School Innovators” project. The project will identify, describe, and celebrate 100 of the most innovative high school students in the state of Illinois. Our long-term goal is to change how the University of Illinois and Illinois High Schools understand and encourage innovative students.

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