
MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

The St. Elmo Brady STEM Academy is an educational outreach program targeted at underrepresented fourth and fifth grade students. In this presentation Joseph Gamez, Program Director, will give a brief history of Brady STEM Academy and reflect on his experiences doing STEM outreach--particularly its impact on students and their families as well as on himself.

Chris Kloeppel is the President of the School Board for the Champaign Unit 4 School District. Chris will be discussing a bit of his background, explaining the process of running for a position on the School Board, and some of the issues he faces now that he has been elected President. There will be a Question & Answer segment after the talk.

Katrina Kennett is a PhD Candidate in Curriculum & Instruction and Writing Studies and studies how teachers plan and teach with digital tools. Having taught both Education and Informatics/Writing Studies courses, Katrina will share how she uses Google Drive (specifically Google Docs and Google Slides) as an interactive pedagogical tool - in class and out. With these tools, her students do collaborative research, crowdsource resources, respond to readings, and archive their intellectual and creative work. She will share examples and practice-based suggestions. 

What is Cuba's approach to literacy and computer literacy, and where might Scratch, and UIUC, enter the picture?

This talk will describe the vision and recent activities of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment (iSEE) for achieving excellence in interdisciplinary research, teaching, and outreach in sustainability, energy and environment. It will discuss ways for the campus community to be involved in activities related to sustainability and present a preview of ongoing efforts and upcoming events.

How do you design simulations that use gesture interaction to support middle school students in constructing explanations of complex scientific phenomena? This is the overarching question driving the GRASP Project, an NSF-funded collaboration between the University of Illinois College of Education and the Concord Consortium. We will give an overview of development thus far and will discuss plans for expanding testing of simulations in classrooms.

Over the past six years, Tap In Leadership Academy (Tap In) has evolved from a grassroots, Summer Enrichment Program serving less than 20 kids, to a full service, year-round institution serving hundreds! Hear first-hand how this founding CEO strategically redefined how a “Town and Gown” relationship could be more impactful on the University of Illinois’s campus.

The organizers of EdCampCU - Katrina Kennett, Todd Lash, and Alex Valencic - will talk briefly about EdCampCU’s history of bringing together community members around conversations about education, preview a clip from Most Likely to Succeed, a documentary film we will host a free community screening of, and have a conversation to help everyone look forward to the Fall EdCampCU at the Pygmalion Festival! 

On January 30th, the third EdCampCU took place at the College of Education. Attended by participants from around the Champaign Urbana area (and as far as Arthur!), we brought together in-service teachers, pre-service teachers, administration, school board members, parents, community members, Fab Lab educators, and others.

After almost twenty years in education, Amar Patel has found that all of the repeated efforts to overcome deficits in American education (No Child Left Behind, UCSMP, Common Core, etc.) all fail to overcome the singular issue that haunts teachers and school systems in America: You can’t learn math without spending time doing it. Amar will present what he thinks can be done about it, to those who could do something to help.


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