Katrina Kennett

MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

Katrina Kennett is a PhD Candidate in Curriculum & Instruction and Writing Studies and studies how teachers plan and teach with digital tools. Having taught both Education and Informatics/Writing Studies courses, Katrina will share how she uses Google Drive (specifically Google Docs and Google Slides) as an interactive pedagogical tool - in class and out. With these tools, her students do collaborative research, crowdsource resources, respond to readings, and archive their intellectual and creative work. She will share examples and practice-based suggestions. 

The organizers of EdCampCU - Katrina Kennett, Todd Lash, and Alex Valencic - will talk briefly about EdCampCU’s history of bringing together community members around conversations about education, preview a clip from Most Likely to Succeed, a documentary film we will host a free community screening of, and have a conversation to help everyone look forward to the Fall EdCampCU at the Pygmalion Festival! 

On January 30th, the third EdCampCU took place at the College of Education. Attended by participants from around the Champaign Urbana area (and as far as Arthur!), we brought together in-service teachers, pre-service teachers, administration, school board members, parents, community members, Fab Lab educators, and others.

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