George Reese

MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

This presentation will provide an overview of the NSF-funded research on integrated K-8 computer science (CS) instruction for academically diverse learners, including those with disabilities.

Delta is a biannual international mathematics education conference. George and Debra will discuss some of the presentations there, as well report on the presentation they gave at the conference.

Our very own MSTE Director, George Reese will be our MSTE Friday Lunch presenter.  He will discuss math classroom observations and a search for perspectives on a new tool.

George Reese will lead a discussion with the group on "Math Workshops for Teachers."

Jana and George will share the discussions theyre having with the Math 199 students surrounding "The box problem".

The conversations have led them to wonder about which math concepts all students need to know, and, assuming such a concept, how a teacher could get all students to learn it.

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