Spring 2010

MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.

Avigail Snir will join the MSTE Friday Lunch group to discuss "What Etoys Could Bring to STEM Education" using examples from EtoysIllinois.org.

Abstract: Preparation to teach school mathematics should include knowing how to respond to classroom mathematical interactions. Research literature of mathematics teaching asserts that teacher’s ability to respond to classroom interactions is dependent on her knowledge of subject matter and pedagogical strategies as well as instant recognition of what the student is saying. As a consequence, teacher education programs should cultivate teacher’s ability to respond to classroom mathematical interactions by practicing the integration of mathematical and pedagogical reasoning discourses.

Peter Braunfeld will join the group to discuss "The First Calculus Text: 1609." 

The DigiFab group will describe what happens in a FabLab and what they plan with DigiFab.

iFoundry is transforming engineering education for the 21st century. Dr. Price will describe the program and answer questions.

George Reese will lead a discussion with the group on "Math Workshops for Teachers."

Gloriana González from the Department of Curriculum & Instruction will join the group to discuss "Teaching with Dynamic Geometry: Is There Something New for Students to Learn?" this week.

Pam Riss will talk about her experiences using TI-Robots in her classroom.

Frank Petkunas will join us via Polycom this week. Frank is the science department head at our partner school, Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School. He will be discussing his summer experience in Santa Fe at the Emergent Life Conference, and perhaps the Merit MIST program as well. (Frank and two of his colleagues were part of the Merit MIST program for teachers that we spoke of some last week.)

Our presenters this week will describe the Merit Programs for Emerging Scholars at the University of Illinois and MIST (Merit Immersion for Students and Teachers) Project as well as share some early results of the impact of the MIST Project.

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