Project Lead The Way in Illinois - Reflections and Updates on a Decade of PLTW K-12 STEM across Illinois

MSTE Friday Lunches are paused indefinitely, but you can still find historical archives, including videos, on this site.


May 1, 2015 - 12:00pm



Talk Description: 

Brenda Pacey, University of Illinois Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Affiliate Director, provides brief history of the growth of PLTW high school, middle school, elementary STEM curriculum program implementations across the state  - from 12 high schools in 2004-05 to over 200 K-12 schools and 35,000 students in 2014-15. Join us for reflections and observations about the impact of PLTW STEM participation on students.

Classroom 201
505 East Green St.
61820 Champaign , IL